

Friday, December 28, 2018

Transformed, As If By a Spell

Morning magic at Ravenseyrie

The mutable character of each day always has an effect on all that is.

The character of dawn lends something different to one's psyche than the personality of midday, or midnight.  The capricious mien of a dawn in spring is different than that of wintertime and a cloudy dawn provokes a different sensation than does one emerging from a clear sky.

Balsam Poplar Buds on a Winter's Morning

These primordial dispositions seem exceptionally variable and I am unceasingly informed by and responsive to their permeable moods.


Not a one of us has not been affected by the dynamic qualities of the elemental matter how deeply preoccupied with the hectic happenings humans hurry after in both urban and rural environments.

A view of our home, beyond the open grassland

Some of us live more insulated lives than others - whether by preference or circumstance, but wherever a warming shaft of sunlight reaches through a window or a rain-scented wind pierces a drafty door, the potential for our mood to be "transformed, as if by a spell" (a phrase I borrow from David Abram's book, Becoming Animal) is inherent.

Deep fissures of an aged Poplar tree

Winter holidays offer up delightful opportunities for long, luxurious strolls on (within!) the Ravenseyrie landscape with no time pressures or obligations that might have me cutting short an otherwise magical meander.  It is at these times, especially, when the temperament of the season and time of day modify and enhance my own mood.

Would you like to join in?  Photos and words cannot convey the full experience, yet they can serve as a pause, a hush, and induce a welling up of the sensory experience so essential to our well being. Come along, come along, let the alchemy of the rarified, transformative constituents of this island wilderness work their magic on you..

Ready to do some winter foraging,
come along, come along.

Say hello to Jerry

The Zen Elm, a sentinel in the open grassland and sky
Ice art by hoof

View from the Top of the World at Ravenseyrie
Floating Ice art at the edge of the shore

Foraging at the edge of the bluff

Time for a break and a nip

A fitting flask for foraging on the
Ravenseyrie Sorraia Mustang Preserve

Ousado with Silvestre and Interessado


My Ravenseyrie woodsman 

Bringing dead timbers back to the dwelling place,
firewood to keep us warm

Silvestre, Interessado and Ousado
There's a story about these guys...for another time...


Red Osier Dogwood


 For this author, 2018 was a year of difficulties, but also growth and a greater understanding that is sure to serve me well in 2019.  I am thankful and transformed.

Thank you for coming along.  All the best in the New Year for you and yours!

Home Sweet Home

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Mushing to a Song

In the dim dawn

In the dim dawn,
Mushing to a song in my mind from bygone times -
 -Loving that flute!
And the limbs of Poplar at the edge of the forest
And the grullo forms of Altamiro and Fidalgo
On this beautifully bleak Winter's day at Ravenseyrie.
"Didn't it feel good?"
Yes, it did!
     ---L. Gerard

The grullo forms of Altamiro and Fidalgo

Limbs of Poplar

At the edge of the forest

On a beautifully bleak Winter's day

At Ravenseyrie

Special thanks to Joni Mitchell for her song Help Me