

Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Beautiful Spring

Spring came early this year, after a rather easy winter.  With spring’s arrival, the bachelors in their chosen cliques become even more defined in their territorial behaviours, though this year, thankfully, their aggression among themselves is not as fierce.

The rangeland is rich with things to eat, both here on the home range and down on the range in Tehkummah where our mares live and all the horses are fat from it.  The black flies and mosquitoes are out and this keeps the horses on the move.  There are days though that are cooler and breezy and the torment of biting insects slackens for a time and there is much dozing in the sun.

We are thankful each time spring comes and the grasses return - it is this wonderful habitat here on the island that makes it possible for us to continue to safeguard our wild horses so they can live as much as possible under their own autonomy.