Thursday, November 21, 2024

Handsome Lads!

Altamiro (Ultrajado x Pompeia)

Fidalgo (Altamiro x Belina)


Both these stallions continue to live with us here at Ravenseyrie and surely enhance the landscape in very inspiring ways.



Red said...

Very handsome indeed! Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever expressed interest in buying any of the stallions since you gave away Gosto?

Lynne Gerard said...

Hello “Red”! We no longer offer our horses for sale, nor are we anymore an active participant in the conservation of Sorraia type horses, but remain thankful for the contributions our horses have made. Both gender groups are now stable and we are pleased to support them in their wilderness habitats. It has been a long time since anyone expressed interest in acquiring any of the stallions - but like I said, we are not soliciting interest to that end.

Opinionated said...

Just sending best wishes to you. I appreciate your continuing with this blog and your photos are wonderful, and narrative.

Lynne Gerard said...

Many thanks!

Honey said...

If somebody was interested in purchasing one of your stallions so they could breed him to mustang mares, would you be opposed to that?

Lynne Gerard said...

We are not at all opposed to our stallions being bred to mustang mares. Our situation at this point in time, however, makes the idea of isolating and readying a stallion for purchase insurmountable. The bachelor herd dynamics are finally stable and we are in no hurry to impose change upon any of the boys.

Honey said...

So you wouldn't be willing to sell to an interested party then?

Lynne Gerard said...

Not at this time, no - as I mentioned in my first reply, “Honey”, to make such a thing happen is presently insurmountable for us. Beyond that - any “interested party” would need to provide as splendid a wilderness habitat for the stallion as we have here at Ravenseyrie. These are not domesticated equines. 😉