(photo: Rosel Oelke)
Shortly after importing our two Spanish Mustang yearling fillies from South Dakota in 2005, I sent to Germany a small parcel containing photos of Bella and Belina and details of their origins so that they might be registered by Hardy Oelke in his Sorraia Mustang Studbook. I also included a synopsis of our desire to acquire a suitable Sorraia Mustang stud colt so that we could begin a preserve here at Ravenseyrie and be part of the consolidation of these primitive Iberian horses that have managed to maintain a degree of phenotypical integrity despite the influence over the centuries of probable crosses with feral domestic horses.
Since that first correspondence, Hardy and I have kept up a concentrated, regular routine of email exchanges which greatly influenced the direction our preserve has taken, not the least of which culminated in our importing a purebred Sorraia stallion as our foundation sire--something that never would have occurred without this generous man's assistance.
It has been my privilege to not only receive tremendous educative guidance from our email exchanges, but also to assist Hardy in delving even deeper into the subject of ancestral wild horses of all types through my own scouring of books, articles and research papers. These cooperative efforts have impressed upon both of us an even keener awe for the remarkable persistence of the Iberian Tarpan form which we see in the Sorraia and the Sorraia Mustang, as well as inspiring us to continue to share with others the importance of working in harmony with like minded preservationists to bring together these types of horses before the primitive genetics are lost forever.
Through each year, as our preserve began to take good shape and especially when Altamiro and his mares began producing offspring, Hardy has been "by my side", sharing in the excitement of seeing the success of this type of conservation effort unfold in such a beautiful way. How exciting, then, it was for me to learn that Hardy and his wife, Rose, were planning to include a visit to Ravenseyrie on their annual tour of the Western United States and we would be able to meet in the flesh!
With Manitoulin Island being completely in the opposite direction from their usual destinations in the western states, it was no simple thing for the Oelkes to include Ravenseyrie on their holiday abroad. However, they decided a trip to Ontario would also allow them the opportunity to see some different regions of North America as well as make a stop over in Wisconsin to visit with Karen and Daniel Dalke who imported Tejo II, Hardy's purebred Sorraia colt, almost a decade ago. After flying into Chicago, Rose and Hardy rented a car and began their broad cross-country adventure, pulling up the drive here at Ravenseyrie on the morning of September the 12th.
During their time here, the Oelkes took their overnight lodging at the beautiful Queen's Inn on the Gore Bay waterfront. We did manage a short exploration drive to show them Kevin's ultra-light aircraft project at the Gore Bay airport as well as tour the Lake Wolsley area and also took some time to show them the Gore Bay Museum and my art studio, however, the majority of their time on the island was spent here on the preserve, hiking the property and getting to meet the horses. What trepidation I felt, hoping that Hardy would be as impressed with the horses and their environment in person as he has been from viewing them in photos!
Hardy speaks incredibly fluent English and has a warm, easy-going attitude that made it very comfortable to be around and carried over well from our written correspondence...what I mean to say is that Hardy was as easy to talk to in person as he had been via email, and it was even better because Kevin and I could hear his resonant laughter (he's a great joke teller) and appreciate the brightness of his eyes.
After exploring the property during the day (both Sunday and Monday) we returned to the house where Rose took up a chair by one of the big picture windows and became absorbed in playing with our iPad, while Hardy and Kevin kept up a lively conversation and I prepared our evening meals. How brave Hardy was to eat vegan fare, not once, but twice! Before we knew it, Tuesday dawned and the Oelke's left the island, their next destination--Wisconsin, U.S.A.
I asked Hardy if he would be willing to write up his impressions of his trip for the Journal of Ravenseyrie and he kindly agreed. As an added bonus, Hardy sent me a CD containing the photos he took while here, some of which, with his permission, I am including in today's journal entry. (This should make my mother and others happy, who enjoy photos of the horses, but like to see Kevin and me in them from time to time, too.)
I will now turn things over to Hardy:

(photo: L. Gerard)

Lynne's blog about the events at Ravenseyrie appears to be enjoyed by many admirers of Sorraias resp. Sorraia Mustangs, and it is a pleasure for me to contribute to it.
Sort of as a summary of my 2009 trip, I concluded that the success that has been made in recent years in breeding Sorraia-type mustangs has been encouraging. I had seen Diane Pinney's horses in Oregon last year and also Sharron Scheikofsky's and Dave Reynold's in South Dakota and found particularly Diane's then yearling colts very promising, and was also positively impressed by some of the horses in South Dakota. From e-mail exchanges with Lynne I knew about their commitment, which is evident in the fact that they have imported the Sorraia stallion Altamiro, that they have gone out of their way to obtain the Sorraia x Sulphur Springs mare Zorita, and the Kiger mare Ciente. To get their first two mares from South Dakota (SMR and SMR x BLM) took some effort as well. By way of the photos Lynne had sent me I knew that they had succeeded in breeding very Sorraia-like youngsters on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, but had never seen them in the flesh, and knew also that two fillies and a colt are earmarked to go to Sheri and Mike Olson in Wyoming as soon as possible. This year, I made it a point, therefore, to pay her and Kevin a visit. It worked out to my advantage that the youngsters hadn't been picked up yet and gone to Wyoming, so I could experience them under the conditions they have so far grown up under.
I don't know what I enjoyed more, the visit with Lynne and Kevin or the one with the horses. Both were a treat. Ravenseyrie is a true preserve for these horses, even though Lynne is handling them on a daily basis and they are not wild. They are raised completely natural, and have to withstand the weather, navigate all kinds of terrain, use their instinct as to what to eat and what not, etc., just like wild horses. Also, their social life is not being tampered with, and it's certainly highly interesting to observe the herd dynamics, the social interactions, and especially Altamiro's antics. The area the horses roam in is ideal in that it offers open grassland as well as woods, uneven terrain that calls for surefootedness, even access to the rocky lake shore, and a variety of plant life.
It is very gratifying to see how Altamiro not only has established himself as the undisputed king of Ravenseyrie, and how he donned his role as a harem leader like a custom-made suit, but also that he is breeding true. Not that I would have expected anything different... Altamiro has been wonderfully efficient as a sire of Sorraia traits and as a harem stallion, but is also intriguing and sometimes mysterious in his behavior. It has been remarkable how the nick of Altamiro and mustang mares of diverse background--SMR, Kiger, Sulphur, and other BLM--has reliably been producing Sorraia characteristics. It appears that the primitive Sorraia/Zebro/Tarpan genes connect easily and a revitalization and consolidation of the original type is not a far-flung goal.
Of the young stock that Altamiro sired, the filly Encantara impressed me the most, not just because of her atavistic neck/withers markings, but because of her wonderful type. I sure hope she will continue to mature in this fashion.
It was with great reluctance that I left Ravenseyrie--I wished I had been able to spend more time there, to observe the horses and to talk shop and discuss all kinds of topics with Lynne and Kevin. I left deeply impressed by the Ravenseyrie project and with admiration for this couple's dedication to the preservation of the Sorraia resp. the Sorraia Mustang.
It was also possible for me on this trip to visit Karen Dalke and her husband Daniel in Wisconsin, and that was a treat in its own right. They gave us such a warm welcome, and of course I hadn't seen Tejo since he was a yearling and was extremely curious to see how he had matured. The same held true for Altamiro, but I am naturally feeling close to Tejo, having bred him myself and tamed and shipped him. We had a wonderful visit and discussed how this fabulous stallion could make a contribution to the Sorraia preservation project. Hopefully, something can be arranged in the near future so that he'll get at least one mare of good type to his court.
We did go by Sharron Scheikofsky's in South Dakota, but because no foals had been born this year that I needed to see, our visit was a short one and we moved on. Sharron had told me about Susan Watt's interest in these horses, so we went by the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary near Hot Springs and visited with Susan. The good news is that she, too, really wants to start a preservation project, and that she has lots of acres at her disposal to do that in. We spent an interesting afternoon discussing how to go about this. She may import a Sorraia stallion as soon as a good one becomes available, and possibly even a mare, and on my recommendation, she has already contacted Diane in Oregon about a Kiger stud prospect. This could be a catalyst for the whole preservation effort, as many people come through there for wild horse tours. A Sorraia Mustang herd would add a specialty to their guided tours, and from the many visitors these horses would get more publicity.
On our journey, the last mustang place was Sheri's in Wyoming, and once again we were positively impressed. Sheri herself was happy with the three colts she got this year, and well she should be. Especially one colt--out of a Sulphur Springs mare--looked very promising. Once Sheri gets the additional stud power and mare power through Animado and the two fillies from Ravenseyrie, I expect her herd to produce wonderful results.
So, all in all, things seem to be picking up. It is good to realize that one could by now put together a sizeable herd of good Sorraia-type mustangs, if one were able to combine all those that are known. With the vast distances between breeders (Oregon in the west and Ontario in the east) cooperation is naturally difficult. But the recent activities show that it is possible. I hope everyone will feel encouraged by these developments as much as I do. --Hardy Oelke, October 2010

(top photo: Hardy Oelke, bottom photo: L.Gerard)

(Photos and caption: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo and caption: Hardy Oelke)
(Photo: Rosel Oelke)

(Photos: L.Gerard)

(Photo: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo: Hardy Oelke)

(Photos: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo: Hardy Oelke)

[Lynne with 2 year old Animado, the first half-Sorraia born at Ravenseyrie]
(Photo and caption: Hardy Oelke)

(Photo: L. Gerard)
This visit from Hardy and Rose Oelke was truly appreciated by Kevin and I and we are incredibly grateful that the Oelkes were able to make the trip and spend a little time at Ravenseyrie. I hope that the text and photos allow readers of the Journal of Ravenseyrie to feel that they were part of the fun.
The future looks bright for these horses, but we need more people to join in the conservation efforts of Sorraia and Sorraia Mustangs. If anyone feels they would like to participate by setting up their own preserve--whether large or small, whether with breeding pairs or non-mixed groups (like a bachelor group) please email me at: ravenseyrie@xplornet.com or contact Hardy Oelke by following the link to his websites in the sidebar of this blog. We would love to have more people involved in the preservation of the these modern representatives of the Iberian Tarpan, lest their lingering prehistoric genetics become further diluted and lost forever.
The future looks bright for these horses, but we need more people to join in the conservation efforts of Sorraia and Sorraia Mustangs. If anyone feels they would like to participate by setting up their own preserve--whether large or small, whether with breeding pairs or non-mixed groups (like a bachelor group) please email me at: ravenseyrie@xplornet.com or contact Hardy Oelke by following the link to his websites in the sidebar of this blog. We would love to have more people involved in the preservation of the these modern representatives of the Iberian Tarpan, lest their lingering prehistoric genetics become further diluted and lost forever.