Fidalgo |
Off island forest fires bring us hazy skies and smokey air at times this summer and though things are dry, for us at Ravenseyrie, conditions are not as dry as other years have been. We’ve been fortunate to get in on a few rains that have kept the landscape from withering and our well from going dry.
The horses are doing great, both here on the home range and the mares down on the Twinravens range.
There is a great rhythm to the way seasons come and go and the wild ones flow with it effortlessly.
Sandhill Crane family |
Altamiro |
Whitetail Doe |
Legado and Ousado |
Altamiro aka Big Daddy |
Snoozy Snowshoe Hare |
Lady’s Slipper |
Ground Hogs (Florence and two of her kits) |