Six of our eight Sorraia Mustang Mares |
It’s been awhile since I’ve had opportunity to photograph our mares as Kevin has been the one doing our weekly check in with these lovely ladies and he rarely takes photos. Two Mondays ago, however, I was able to make the hour drive to the Twinravens range in Tehkummah and have a nice visit with Bella, Belina, Zorita, Fada, Pinoteia, Esperanda, Altavida and Riga.
It was a bit tricky to navigate between all 8 gals, especially when they were excitedly crowding me while I was on snowshoes. I only went down once! It’s not the easiest thing to get back up when one has tumbled while wearing snowshoes, but it was such a surprise to the gals that I fell over that they gave me plenty of space to ungracefully put myself in an upright position again. I think I saw Riga laughing at me. Who could blame her?!!
We remain ever thankful that our friends, Mark and Michelle have allowed these mares to live semi-wild on this sector of their land since 2013 (when we shifted our conservation efforts from breeding to simply safeguarding and supporting our Sorraia and Sorraia Mustangs in wilderness habitats). I wish we could free them all and allow the males and females to have full run of Manitoulin Island, like the Whitetail Deer do - but private landowners would never support such a rewilding effort. The present arrangement is the best we can do for them all at this time. And how natural and right they appear on the landscape!
Riga, our last born is 11 years old |
Sovina’s Zorita 23 years old |
The mares’ range is stocked with hay, providing the access to feed 24/7 |
Fada is a black grulla and was our first female to be born at Ravenseyrie |