I found the horses grazing in a prairie strip between a copse of woods and the forest proper. The air was fragrant with drying grasses and crushed Yarrow flowers, slightly heavy, mostly still and filling up with the sounds of evening approaching. The herd was very, very mellow and drugged by the pleasure of summer grazing.
First, Doll, then Jerry, Animado, Bella and on to Mistral then Zeus, Belina, Dee, wee Fada, Altamiro and finally Ciente and Interessado--each received a special evening blessing and their own particularly favorite itches. Some encounters were brief, others, like the one with Altamiro was lengthier as the mental space of this young stallion was such that for the moment, testosterone and guardian responsibilities were mellowed by a desire to just be doted and loved upon by his human friend. These types of interludes make me tingle with wonder and appreciation, especially after seeing Altamiro spend so much of his day wearing a very mighty mantle of stallion behavior as he vigilantly kept Mistral away from Interessado. Altamiro's softness of touch, delicate breathing and a desire to be close felt so much like a private moment between lovers--not of a sexual nature, but of a deep bond representing the pleasure of empathetic companionship, or two hearts beating as one, in sync, entrained.
Goethe said, "We have all some electrical and magnetic forces within us; and we put forth, like the magnet itself, an attractive or repulsive power, as we come in contact with something similar or dissimilar."
Stephen Harrod Buhner wrote,
sensory input
takes the place
of internal chatter
You could say this was the underlying element of being out among the horses and mules on this special evening.
I began taking some photos and a few videos and while lost in marveling at the form of Interessado nursing, soft rumblings of thunder wafted behind the forest, then above, a bit louder. Not a one of us felt any threat or any need to take cover from an impending drenching...we just carried on being a part of things as they were.
Then, faint, but insistent, I could hear Kevin calling. I became immediately alert--there was distinct anxiousness in his voice. I ran out into the open so that I could see the house in the distance. I could hear him calling, "Duckie! Duckie!! DUCK!!" I didn't know what was so urgent, but I heeded him--sort of, since Bella followed my retreat and needed one more short itching session and I was a bit reluctant to leave such a mellow, loving place. Kevin's voice persisted and I soon began running toward the house. After I got well away from the forest, I looked back at the herd and saw the ominous sky above them. I had to stop and get photos, the drama was so wickedly intense. I could hear Kevin better now, "Duckie, goddamnit! Get back here!" I aborted my attempts to stand and take photos and resumed running to the house--but still from time to time I just had to pause and look over my shoulders at the storm moving rapidly upon us.
When I got back to the yard, Kevin admonished me with colorful phrases, pregnant with concern and relief and love--I said, "I just have to take a few photos and then we'll go inside."
Once inside, the storm-creature released its energy of wind, thunder, lightening and extremely heavy rainfall. What a thrill to have been just ahead of such a quick moving storm!!
In fifteen minutes, it was to our south, and we could see the horses grazing peacefully along the treeline.
Such is the tenderness and the wildness and the Splendor of Ravenseyrie.
Just for your enjoyment, I'm inserting a handful of photos at random, each displaying a different beauty.

Creeping Bellflower, Bladder Campion and Canadian Thistle abound

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