Like all new foals, she is curious, but unlike her adorable older sister, Fada, she is much less timid.
This filly appears completely at ease with being the center of attention and like a flirtatious starlet flaunts her prodigious charms, seeming to have full awareness of their effect on all who stand by hoping for some contact with her.

On the other hand, she is at times, completely self-absorbed in experiencing of the variety of ways she can use her body. Imagine how wonderful it must feel after being folded up for nearly a year in a cramped amniotic realm to be released into a completely novel and boundary-less new world!

I don't believe I've ever seen a horse enjoy rolling in the grass as much as she - puppy-like, wriggling her back into the earth with her long legs curled in tight, then she pauses, poised upside down on her back, unfurls one front leg then the other, stretches all four full out and waves them side to side, forward and back, twisting her head and watching them move above her...flops to the side, flips her self completely over and begins again. And then there are the unexpected sprints--not straight like a Quarter Horse on a race track, but willy-nilly, pell-mell like a highly caffeinated house-fly which has just been released from a glass jar. And OH! how frantic Belina gets during these mad-dash episodes as she tries to keep up with her newborn to protect her from all the harm that all mothers know can befall such a wee creature! Just this morning, while her mother was grazing, this filly noticed Jerry (the big draft mule) standing a ways off, looking at her --and so off she saunters with determination to make his acquaintance...almost made it there too before Belina realized what was up and quickly put a stop to such forward behavior from her daughter.

With her obvious delight in her own self and her capacity to captivate the rest of us, the name "Encantara" would seem to fit her perfectly. A variation on "encanto" and "encantar", words shared between the Portuguese and the Spanish, which mean to delight, to charm, to enchant. We are pronouncing it as "N-can-tar-ahh".
I love the way you name the new babies! I think Encantara fits this little filly wonderfully. I wish Encantara a wonderful life with you at Ravenseyrie.
A lovely name for a lovely girl. Encantara has strong presence. It's clear she came here with a mission. It will be fun discovering what that is.
Much joy to all of you as you become acquainted with the little newcomer.
A very fitting name, Lynne. I hope you get a chance to make a video of Encantara's antics.
Have you caught the spring fever yet?
Awww! So much like "Ingo" (now 3 yrs old) Sovina's gelding son out of the Lusitano mare whos name was also Encantara (now deceased since last yr) owned by DeJong Farms in Sheridan, Oregon. Ingo has the same 2 shoulder bars! It is awesome that it popped out on both foals!
She is a keeper!
Do you have any photos of "Ingo" as a foal?
I have seen his YouTube videos "Tesoro de Sovina" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAd9NJT8omk
He's a handsome horse.
I think you mean to say that the Lusitano mare that foaled "Ingo" was named, "Encantadora"?
Thank you, Erin, dropping in with your comments. It's nice to read them!
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