Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Listening, Not Talking

Inside me a hundred beings
are putting their fingers to their lips and saying,
"That's enough for now.  Shhhhh."  Silence
is an ocean.  Speech is a river.

When the ocean is searching for you, don't walk
to the language-river.  Listen to the ocean,
and bring your talky business
to an end...

Food prep, beachside, listening, not talking

Rumi's words serve to describe my state of being for a number of years now.  Stories of the equines of Ravenseyrie I hold in my head and heart.  Artful things, too.  Best I can do for now (this could change, as all things do) is share some photos once again, before July ends without a posting in this blog.

For readers who chance to find their way to the Journal of Ravenseyrie, I encourage you to enjoy the images and conjure your own words and descriptions that the sense of viewing may inspire.


Flora Eerschay said...

This is all too beautiful!

Lynne Gerard said...

Thank you, Flora Eerschay. It's a special place to live among wonderful entities.