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Gosto (Altamiro x Bella) Enjoying a good gallop on one of his last days on the range |
On November 13 Gosto left his wilderness world at Ravenseyrie and embarked on journey taking him to a new life in the Flamborough district of Hamilton, Ontario better than 6 hours south of our wonderful Manitoulin Island.
Steph Clift of Clearview Kiger Adventures is well situated to take on Gosto, an 8 year old, untrained Sorraia stallion as she has had experience with stallions and owns a number of Kiger Mustangs both domestic and wild born and an infrastructure in place to accommodate him.
Two 2019 yearlings from Clearview Kigers |
Steph likes to use liberty training to start horses and also enjoys tackless riding.
Steph Clift and Ace (Kiger Mustang from Riddle Moutain HMA) |
While Gosto has not had any formal "handling", since birth we have had daily interactions with him and he is no stranger to the wonderful itches sensitive human hands can provide and has appreciated us helping him keep his mane and tail free from irritating burrs. Of all our stallions, Gosto is the one who seems to actually enjoy interacting with humans and is full of curiosity and trust.
Steph intends to leave Gosto as a stallion and cross him with one of her Kiger mares and that is something that Kevin and I are so pleased to hear. Steph will also likely be training Gosto as a riding mount and if she is as sensitive and patient with him as she was with him during the 5+ hours it took to have Gosto calmly walk into her trailer, I have no doubt he will be a willing partner and that both of them will be experiencing a more beautiful life by coming together than if they had never met.
Steph let me know when she and Gosto made it safely to their destination late that evening. She left Gosto in the care of a friend because she had to be off again in the next morning to haul some more horses (Steph hauls horses coast to coast as part of her occupation) and kindly sent me a photo her friend had taken, showing how well Gosto was getting along. Gosto had only arrived late Friday evening and this photo was taken on Sunday:
Gosto, not looking like a wilderness stallion any longer |
We sure wish him well! And we hope to receive news from Steph about Gosto from time to time.
I'll close by sharing just a few images from some of the last days that Gosto was with us.
So glad he's swum his way to a new life with Steph!
Any updates on Gosto, Lynn?
I see my comment was posted as “anonymous” - it’s June McIntosh - forgotten how to log in
Hello to June McIntosh. I am sorry, I have had no updates come in for Gosto. I will have to reach out again and hope for a reply. Will update if I hear back, for sure! We think about him a lot and sure hope he is in great form and happiness.
Was Gosto ever bred to Kiger Mustang mares?
I was hoping so, but I don’t think it came to be- at least I never received notice of it, Marie.
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